What's new?
Population Mobility Mapping
Transport lies at the heart of GMS cooperation. The development of physical infrastructure complemented with policies and procedures for crossing borders and developing trade along key routes have been central to efforts to forge a truly interconnected subregion.
Natural ecosystems – and the food, water, energy, and other vital elements they provide – lie at the heart of the development of the GMS. How these natural resources are protected, managed, and enhanced will determine the long-term sustainability of its environment and economic development.
New energy solutions are crucial to developing the GMS, where power demand is surging. These include improving energy efficiency and cross-border power trading.
Urban Development
By 2050, GMS is expected to be at least 50% urbanized. Careful planning is needed to balance urban growth with environmental protection and economic equity so that healthy cities can be enjoyed by all residents.
Trade & Transport Facilitation
The GMS Transport and Trade Facilitation Action Program is working to overcome existing barriers in order to link the subregion to the ASEAN Economic Community’s single market and production base, as well as other regional cooperation initiatives.
Health Cooperation
Regional integration creates opportunities to draw on the subregion’s health leadership, human resource skills, and programming experience to address common health challenges.
Countries in the GMS are working together to promote the subregion as a single destination for international visitors and encourage communities to enhance the environmental, social, and economic benefits of tourism.
Latest Publications
Population Mobility Mapping
Tracking Human Mobility Dynamics to Inform Public Health Interventions in Cambodia and the Lao People’s Democratic Republic.
The Effect of Electrification on Socioeconomic Well-Being and Environmental Outcomes: Evidence for the Lao People’s Democratic Republic
This paper investigates the impact of electrification of households in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic using data from the Lao Expenditure and Consumption Survey.
Strengthening Foundations to Unlock Green Finance in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic
This brief sets out ways the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) can offset the predicted financial impacts of climate change and start improving its creditworthiness to unlock the green finance resources it needs for resilient growth.
A Road Map for Scaling Up Private Sector Financing for the Blue Economy in Thailand: Investment Report
This report analyzes the importance of Thailand's blue economy and examines ways to mobilize and scale up private sector investment to help bolster the country's sustainable blue development.
Regional Investment Framework 2023-2025
As the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) program enters its third decade of cooperation, the GMS Leaders endorsed and adopted the Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation Program Strategic Framework 2030 (GMS-2030) at the 7th GMS Summit...
The Greater Mekong Subregion Program Strategy 2030: Results Framework
The GMS Secretariat, in close coordination with GMS countries, will prepare a results framework to trace the implementation of GMS-2030...
Greater Mekong Subregion Digital Economy Cooperation Initiative
Building digitally-connected Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Corridors
Greater Mekong Subregion Knowledge Network
The objective of the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Knowledge Network (GMSKN) is to provide expertise, stimulate discussion, and raise awareness on relevant and emerging issues in the GMS.
Establishing the Task Force on Trade and Investment
The Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Economic Cooperation Program Strategic Framework 2030 (GMS 2030) mandates the GMS Program to continue its efforts to develop trade and investment facilitation in the subregion and beyond.
Landscape Study on Southeast Asia’s Aviation Industry: COVID-19 Impact and Post-Pandemic Strategy
Following heavy losses of passenger traffic due to COVID-19, the resurgence of Southeast Asia's aviation market is vital to regional recovery, so this report reveals strategies to help ADB members rebuild a greener, more resilient aviation industry.
Latest News
3rd Meeting of the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Energy Transition Task Force (ETTF-3)
The 3rd Meeting of the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Energy Transition Task Force (ETTF-3) took place in Manila on 5─6 June 2024 in a hybrid format.
Population Mobility Mapping
Tracking Human Mobility Dynamics to Inform Public Health Interventions in Cambodia and the Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Statement of the Eighth Meeting of the Joint Committee for the Cross-Border Transport Facilitation Agreement
At its 8th meeting in Hainan, PRC on 13 December 2023, the Joint Committee for the Cross-Border Transport Facilitation Agreement (CBTA) agreed to extend the “Early Harvest” Implementation of the CBTA until 31 December 2026. Permits and temporary admission documents previously issued, but which expired during the Covid-19 pandemic, will be reallocated or reissued. Lists of participating transport operators will be shared among participating GMS countries.
Greater Mekong Subregion Regional Investment Framework
The Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Regional Investment Framework 2024–2026 (RIF 2026) is the subsequent 3-year rolling pipeline of the GMS Program. It is comprised of 128 projects across the countries and sectors of the GMS program. The projects in the RIF 2026 will require mobilizing financial resources amounting to $17.7 billion from development partners, the private sector, and the countries’ national and regional budgets.
GMS TFTI Held the 2nd Training and 3rd Meeting in Vientiane
The GMS Task Force on Trade and Investment held the 2nd training and the 3rd meeting on January 23-25 in Vientiane. 30 government officials joined the training and studied SME financing schemes and communication strategies.