IFS is a private voluntary standard developed by EU Retail Federation launched in 2003. IFS is designed for companies, who undertake the following activities: (i) processing, (ii) handling of loose food products and / or (iii) primary packing activities.
The Library provides various types of documentation: food standards and regulations, import/export procedures, statistics, and all others.
SQF codes are designed for use by all sectors of the food industry to reduce the incidence of unsafe food reaching the marketplace. SQF program was launched in 1994 in Australia and has been administered by SQF Institute since 2004, a division of the FMI.
BRC standard is a private voluntary standard developed by British Retail Consortium. The standard has been set up in order to protect consumers’ health and to enable British retailers to comply with the UK Food Safety Act.
HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) is a food safety tool focusing on the prevention of hazards rather than relying on end-product testing. HACCP is an internationally recognised as a monitoring and control system to prevent potential hazards during food processing.
GMP (good manufacturing practices), also known as pre-requisite programs, is considered as a first step to food safety as a series of principles to be fulfilled to ensure that products meet legal pre-requisites for safety and quality. GMP has seven principles:
GLOBALG.A.P is a voluntary and private standard began in 1997 as EUREPGAP , which is an initiative by EUREP, a large supermarket chains in Western Europe .
The certification system of ChinaGAP is divided into two levels: Level 1 Certification and Level 2 Certification.
GAP (Good Agriculture Practice) has been developed by food industries, producers' organizations, governments and NGOs to address the environment, economic and social sustainability on the farm and ensure the safe and quality food.
GAP (Good Agriculture Practice) has been developed by food industries, producers' organizations, governments and NGOs to address the environment, economic and social sustainability on the farm and ensure the safe and quality food.
The GI logo of Thailand is mark which the Department of Intellectual Property approves for the GI producer to certify that the product originates from the registered geographical source, by which the producer has to comply with the control manual and control plan.