WGA Resources

The WGA Resources Page provides a listing of the various documents and forms which can be consulted and downloaded for use in the promotion of increased trade with the GMS countries. The resources included in this library include, among others, food standards and regulations, import/export procedures, statistics and other related documents.

26 June 2019
Issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation under the Plant Protection Division. Its purpose is to prevent international spread of pests of plants and plant products.
26 June 2019
Issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation under the Plant Protection Division
26 June 2019
Import Certificate for plants and plant products. It is issued by the Plants Protection Division under Agriculture Department.
26 June 2019
Issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation. Its objective is to protect human life and health and also protect the natural environment.
26 June 2019
Issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation under the Plant Protection division.
26 June 2019
Issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation to support the implementation of the seed law
26 June 2019
Transport document covering export of goods transported from one airport to another
26 June 2019
Transport document covering imports of cargo from airport to airport.
26 June 2019
International consignment note used by drivers, operators and forwarders alike for the carriage of goods by sea
26 June 2019
Issued by Myanmar customs authorities for goods that have been exempted for import taxes.