GMS in the News

GMS Countries to Strengthen Regional Cooperation on Food Safety, Agriculture

PU’ER CITY, PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA (31 May 2018) — Senior agriculture officials from the six member countries of the Greater Mekong Subregion agreed to increase regional cooperation in food safety, boost the trading of climate-friendly agriculture products, and accelerate the implementation of the five-year GMS Strategy and Siem Reap Action Plan endorsed by the Second GMS Agriculture Ministers’ Meeting.

Top officials at the opening ceremony included Viet Nam Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dung, Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, Secretary of Dong Thap Provincial Party Committee Le Minh Hoan, Viet Nam Transport Minister Nguyen Van The, and Country Director Eric Sidgwick of  the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in Viet Nam. Photo: ADB Viet Nam Resident Mission.

Viet Nam Opens Cao Lanh Bridge

Viet Nam officially opened the 2.4-kilometer Cao Lanh Friendship Bridge and connecting roads in Dong Thap province on 27 May. Crossing the Tien branch of the Mekong River, the bridge is expected to reduce travel time for some 170,000 road users daily.

There is a need to strengthen health systems to prevent and manage climate-sensitive diseases, particularly among the most vulnerable groups such as the poor, the elderly, women, and children. Photo: ADB.

Mekong Countries Strengthen Health Resilience to Climate Change

Climate change poses threats to public health in the Greater Mekong Subregion, which is already experiencing hotter weather, longer dry seasons, and changing rainfall patterns.
