GMS in the News

Phnom Penh Joint Statement on Prevention of Plastic Pollution in the Greater Mekong Subregion

In a milestone moment for GMS-wide environmental collaboration, the representatives of the GMS ministries of environment pledged to work together to address the mounting issue of plastic waste pollution in the subregion. The endorsed Phnom Penh Joint Statement on Prevention of Plastic Pollution in the Greater Mekong Subregion represents the commitment of the six countries to address the ecological, economic, and societal challenges posed by plastic waste in the GMS. 

A new chapter: the GMS 2030 Strategic Framework for Accelerating Climate Action and Environmental Sustainability

Since its inception in 2006, the GMS Environment Program has been integral in supporting the GMS countries in advancing environmental protection and sustainable development through policy development, strategic planning, and climate-related investments. With three phases spanning 18 years, the program has continuously evolved, adjusting to the dynamic landscape of environmental priorities of the GMS countries. Now, as we’re nearing the close of the current Phase III of the program, it’s time to look beyond 2025 into the next chapter.
