GMS in the News

Night scene in downtown Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam. Taken in 2019. Photo by Gerhard Joren/ADB.

Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Viet Nam Consider Plans to Revitalize Tourism

Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Viet Nam (CLV) are looking to revitalize tourism in the CLV subregion, and held a meeting on 4 May to discuss implementing the Tourism Development Plan for the Development Triangle Region (2020-2025) and Vision 2030. The working group plans to promote tourism in the triangle region through exhibitions, videos, logos and brands, with a focus on digital advertising. 

The ASEAN universal verification mechanism will use digital technology and ensure data privacy protection and security. Photo credit: Asian Development Bank.

ASEAN to Develop One System for Verifying Vaccinated Travelers

Health ministers of Southeast Asia have agreed to work toward mutual recognition of COVID-19 vaccination certificates to facilitate travel across the region as countries reopen their borders. This will involve putting in place an ASEAN universal verification mechanism that uses digital technology while ensuring data privacy protection and security.

To overcome threats to Southeast Asia's recovery from the pandemic, ADB recommends improving productivity and competitiveness by investing in greeen infrastructure development, education, training,  health systems, social assistance, and technology. Photo: ADB

SEADS 2022: Sustainable Solutions for Southeast Asia's Recovery

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) held its third Southeast Asia Development Symposium (SEADS) on 16–17 March 2022.
