Demonstrations on Digital Agriculture in the GMS

Demonstrations on Digital Agriculture in the GMS
The Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Sustainable Agriculture Support Program funded under RETA 9916 is spearheading two interconnected pilot demonstrations on digital agriculture on the (i) Traceability of Durian Exports from Thailand to PRC and (ii) Traceability of Dragon Fruit Exports from Viet Nam to PRC. These pilots aim to mitigate food systems vulnerabilities and risks, while addressing the challenges of stricter cross-border trade regulations by introducing globally recognized digital traceability standards and approaches in the Greater Mekong Subregion. The presentations will provide a briefing on:
- Background, rationale, and key issues addressed by the demo pilot underpinned by how global traceability standards can reduce the risk of counterfeiting and unsafe food by enabling the authentication of products and tracing product origins and movement, and the cooperation mechanisms for multilateral equivalence of food safety standards (i.e., Good Agriculture Practices, Good Manufacturing Practices, etc.).
- The decision process among governments and private sector stakeholders and partners on the selection and design of sustainable, green, pro-poor, and commercially viable digital solutions and innovations for supply chain efficiency, and risk management processes in cross-border trade.
- Pilot design and demonstration of digital technology platforms and solutions (i.e., Electronic Product Code Information Services- EPCIS by GS1), that builds on existing international global data standards systems, to be able to effectively share information and verify credentials among countries and regulators (customs, SPS, etc.).
View the speakers' bios.
Last Updated: 24 March 2022