GMS in the News

Kampong Phluk commune, Tonle Sap Lake (Cambodia). Photo: ADB.

In recent years, Cambodia and Lao PDR have reported more than 150,000 cases of dengue annually. Photo: ADB.

ADB, Nordic Development Fund Help GMS Counter Climate Change Health Threat

MANILA, PHILIPPINES (5 June 2015) – The Asian Development Bank has approved a pioneering regional technical assistance initiative, with finance from the Nordic Development Fund, to help Cambodia, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, and Viet Nam respond to climate-induced health threats.

Regional Exchange Workshop on Malaria Interventions Among Mobile Migrant Populations

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) in coordination with International Organization for Migration
(IOM) organized the Regional Knowledge Exchange Workshop on Malaria Interventions Among
Mobile Migrant Populations in Bangkok on 17 to 18 May 2018 to share successes, challenges,
and lessons learned during the implementation of RCDTA 8959-REG: Malaria and
Communicable Diseases Control in the GMS. 
