IFOAM Final Report - Implementing the Greater Mekong Sub-region Core Agriculture Support Program (Phase 2) Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) Capacity Building


Under the Core Agricultural Support Program Phase II (CASP II), the countries of the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) aim to be recognized as the leading producers of safe food, using climate-friendly agricultural practices, and integration into regional and global markets through the region’s economic corridors. CASP II is guided by three strategic pillars: (i) pillar 1 seeks to build global competitiveness by promoting food safety and modernizing agricultural trade through the introduction of ICT and harmonized certification systems; (ii) pillar 2 promotes climate-friendly agriculture through a market-based strategy to ensure food security, while rewarding farmers for their ecosystem services; and (iii) pillar 3 promotes agriculture as a leader in providing clean renewable rural energy through efficient use of biomass for bioenergy, while ensuring food security.

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Associated Country: 
Cambodia / People's Republic of China / Lao PDR / Myanmar / Thailand / Viet Nam
Date Uploaded: 
28 September 2017
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