PRC-Lao PDR-Thailand 500 kV Interconnection

East-West Corridor Power Transmission and Distribution Project in the Lao PDR

Feasibility Study and Extension of the East- West Energy Corridor to Mawlamyine (as part of a concerted and planned extension of the EWEC): Myanmar

Extension of Energy Access in Myanmar from Nodes in Thailand and in the People-s Republic of China (PRC)

Demonstration of Second Generation Biofuel Technologies and Associated Biomass Value Chains

500 kV Line from Mawlamyine to the Main Grid

Conventional Rural Electrification Programs in Myanmar

Continued Projects in Rural Electrification and Off-Grid Power Development

Design and Funding of a Backbone Grid for the Lao People-s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR)

Ensuring Sustainability of Greater Mekong Subregion Regional Power Development (Phase 2)

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