Transmission Interconnection Project from Lao PDR (Ton Pheng) to Thailand (Mae Chan)

Transmission Interconnection Project from Lao PDR (Pak Beng or Pak Nguyen) to Thailand (Tha Wang Pha)

Transmission Interconnection Project from Lao PDR (Ban Lak25) to Thailand (Ubon Ratchathani)

Transmission Interconnection Project from Lao PDR (Na Bong) to Thailand (Udon Thani 3)

Transmission Interconnection Project from Lao PDR (Luang Namtha) to Myanmar (Shan State with possible extension)

GMS: Renewable Energy Development (Phase 2)

Development of Coherent Energy-Efficiency Action Plans Across the Subregion

Deployment of Coherent Renewable Energy Action Plans Across the Subregion

Scoping Study on the Future of the Trans-ASEAN Gas Pipeline (TAGP)

Viet Nam-PRC 500 kV Power Interconnection

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