



23rd Annual Meeting of the GMS Working Group on Environment (WGE AM-23) back-to-back with Task Force Meeting for EMM-5 Preparations


Rare Plant and Animal Species Find Sanctuary in PRC's Tropical Rainforest


New EIA Requirements to Help Safeguard Myanmar's Environment

New EIA Requirements to Help Safeguard Myanmar's Environment

NAY PYI TAW, MYANMAR (14 January 2016) - The Government of Myanmar today announced new requirements, developed with assistance from the Asian Development Bank, for assessing the environmental and social impacts of investment projects.


10th Semi-Annual Meeting of the GMS Working Group on Environment

10th Semi-Annual Meeting of the GMS Working Group on Environment

The 10th Semi-Annual Meeting of the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Working Group on Environment (WGE-SAM10) was held on 11 November 2015 in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The meeting was chaired by Dr. Rungnapar Pattanavibool, Director, Office of International Cooperation on Natural Resources and Environment, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Thailand; and co-chaired by Mr. Pavit Ramachandran, Senior Environment Specialist, Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Project Officer for the Core Environment Program (CEP).


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