



How the Lao PDR Can Benefit More from the Economic Corridors

How the Lao PDR Can Benefit More from the Economic Corridors

The Lao People’s Democratic Republic lies at the heart of the Greater Mekong Subregion and its economic corridors . However, the country has yet to maximize benefits from the subregion’s investments in infrastructure and services.




Lao PDR Launches Index of Provincial Competitiveness

Lao PDR Launches Index of Provincial Competitiveness

The Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry on 5 July launched the Lao Provincial Facilitation of Investment and Trade Index (ProFIT), which rates economic governance at the provincial level according to feedback from the country's small and medium enterprises.



ADB, PRC Discuss Knowledge Sharing on Regional Cooperation

ADB, PRC Discuss Knowledge Sharing on Regional Cooperation

Asian Development Bank President Takehiko Nakao and People’s Republic of China Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Vice President of the Development Research Center Ma Jiantang discussed the possibility of conducting joint knowledge work on regional cooperation.


ADB to Help Upgrade Highways, Improve Road Safety in Thailand

ADB to Help Upgrade Highways, Improve Road Safety in Thailand

BANGKOK, THAILAND (4 July 2018) — The Asian Development Bank and the Government of Thailand today signed a $99.4 million loan agreement to help the country upgrade 125 kilometers of highways and improve road safety management in the country’s northeastern region.

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