
Greater Mekong Subregion Regional Investment Framework 2022: Third Progress Report and Update

The Regional Investment Framework 2022 (RIF 2022) is the medium-term pipeline of priority projects in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS). It is a consolidation and expansion of the earlier Regional Investment Framework 2013–2022 and the Revised Regional Investment Framework Implementation Plan 2014–2020. It continues to operationalize the strategic thrusts and priorities of the GMS Program under the GMS Strategic Framework 2012–2022 and the Hanoi Action Plan 2018–2022, which reviewed and refined these strategies.

Strategic Results Framework for the Greater Mekong Subregion Health Cooperation Strategy 2019-2023

Following the approval of the GMS Health Cooperation Strategy 2019–2023 by the Health Ministers of the six Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) countries in December 2019, the GMS Strategic Results Framework (SRF) 2019–2023 was endorsed by the GMS countries to provide guidance to the GMS Working Group on Health Cooperation, in collaboration with GMS countries, in monitoring and evaluating the Strategy’s effectiveness against its intended strategic outcomes by 2023.
