Greater Mekong Subregion Gender Strategy
This GMS Gender Strategy is designed to support the GMS‑2030 ambition of equitable sharing of benefits, by identifying opportunities to advance gender equality in GMS program activities.
This GMS Gender Strategy is designed to support the GMS‑2030 ambition of equitable sharing of benefits, by identifying opportunities to advance gender equality in GMS program activities.
The Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Economic Cooperation Program Strategic Framework 2030 (GMS 2030) mandates the GMS Program to continue its efforts to develop trade and investment facilitation in the subregion and beyond.
The objective of the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Knowledge Network (GMSKN) is to provide expertise, stimulate discussion, and raise awareness on relevant and emerging issues in the GMS.
The Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Regional Investment Framework 2023–2025 (RIF 2025) is a three-year rolling pipeline of near-term priority projects which align with the strategies, goals, and thematic priorities set in the GMS Economic Cooperation Program Strategic Framework 2030 (GMS 2030). This new RIF incorporates new project criteria and has been prepared through an extensive consultative process.
The GMS Secretariat, in close coordination with GMS countries, prepared a results framework to trace the implementation of GMS-2030 and its progress toward achieving the vision and program mission.
The GMS Secretariat initiated a study to explore new approaches to strengthening development partnerships in the GMS Program based on comprehensive consultations with development partners and member countries. This report presents the findings and recommendations of the study.
This paper discusses short-term measures and long-term policy recommendations to boost the overall economic growth in the People’s Republic of China.
This report highlights the results of Asian Development Bank (ADB) operations to support regional cooperation and integration (RCI) completed during 2017–2020.
This publication offers a comprehensive regional-level analysis and gives a rundown of how eight Southeast Asian countries dealt with and are now beginning to recover from COVID-19.
Migrant workers are essential to economic and social development across the Greater Mekong Subregion. They compensate for a growing shortage of labor and contribute substantially towards the economic well-being of many households through remittances.