GMS in the News

How to Successfully Operationalize One Health for a Green Recovery in the Greater Mekong Subregion?

The Asian Development Bank and the Nossal Institute for Global Health  hosted a virtual meeting titled,Regional Meeting: How to Successfully Operationalize One Health for a Green Recovery in the Greater Mekong Subregion?” on 7 April 2022 to present practical One Health actions in the context of the GMS green recovery agenda, discuss how to incentivize cross-sectoral support, and guide operational planning for future projects. This meeting, which was conducted under TA 9571-REG: Strengthening Regional Health Cooperation in the Greater Mekong Subregion, is a follow up to the previous meeting held on 3 June 2021, One Health in the GMS: Where are We Now and What Next?

19th Annual Meeting of the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Working Group on Agriculture (WGA)

The 19th Annual Meeting of the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Working Group on Agriculture (WGA) will feature the theme "Adaptation of Greater Mekong Subregion Agriculture in the context of Climate Change, and the Water-Food-Energy (WFE) Nexus." There is increasing evidence of substantial trade-offs among water, food, and energy sectors in the GMS and climate change is exacerbating such trade-offs.

Call for Proposals: Submit Applications for Pilot Demonstrations under the GMS Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Program

Demonstrations are one of the main activities of the CCESP in order to help enhance climate resilience, green growth, and environmental quality in the GMS. The program plans to have 27 demonstrations relating to the different themes (such as demonstrations on gender-responsive community resilience projects, and on the circular economy, pollution control, and waste management, etc.). Each demonstration project will have a budget of $40,000.

The ASEAN universal verification mechanism will use digital technology and ensure data privacy protection and security. Photo credit: Asian Development Bank.

ASEAN to Develop One System for Verifying Vaccinated Travelers

Health ministers of Southeast Asia have agreed to work toward mutual recognition of COVID-19 vaccination certificates to facilitate travel across the region as countries reopen their borders. This will involve putting in place an ASEAN universal verification mechanism that uses digital technology while ensuring data privacy protection and security.

Bavet Checkpoint: Moc Bai, Viet Nam / Bavet, Cambodia on Route 1 to Phnom Penh. Photo by Gerhard Jörén/ADB.

25th Meeting of the GMS Subregional Transport Forum (STF-25)

The Government of Cambodia will host the 25th Meeting of the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Subregional Transport Forum (STF-25) on 14 June 2022 in Siem Reap, Cambodia. The theme of STF-25 is “Taking Action on GMS 2030 Strategy and COVID-19 Plan with Emerging Ideas.

