Mekong Countries Look to Promising Startups for Tourism Innovation
The best tourism startups will converge at the 2017 Mekong Tourism Forum on June 6 to pitch their business plans to venture capitalists and industry experts.
The best tourism startups will converge at the 2017 Mekong Tourism Forum on June 6 to pitch their business plans to venture capitalists and industry experts.
Cambodia, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, and Myanmar are on the frontlines of the global fight against malaria.
SINGAPORE (25 April 2017) — The Asian Development Bank has backed Singapore’s Sunseap Group’s project to build Cambodia’s first large-scale solar power project under a long-term agreement with Electricité Du Cambodge.
New transmission lines bring cheaper electricity from the Viet Nam border to Phnom Penh, Cambodia's capital.
PHNOM PENH, CAMBODIA (6 April 2017) — Cambodia’s economy is expected to remain strong over the next 2 years, driven by solid garment and footwear exports, construction and real estate activities, rising government expenditure, and a moderate recovery in agricultural production, says a new Asian Development Bank (ADB) report released today.
MANILA, PHILIPPINES (13 November 2007) - The Asian Development Bank will manage a $500,000 technical assistance grant funded by the People's Republic of China to help countries in the Greater Mekong Subregion develop results-based monitoring and evaluation systems used in assessing efforts to reduce poverty.
MANILA, PHILIPPINES (13 December 2010) - The Asian Development Bank is supporting the governments of Cambodia, Lao People's Democratic Republic and Viet Nam in a community-driven initiative to conserve more than 1.9 million hectares of threatened forest land, home to over 170,000 mostly poor, ethnic minority people.
MANILA, PHILIPPINES (23 November 2010) - The Asian Development Bank is extending $49 million to expand surveillance response systems to help control dengue outbreaks, and prevent the spread of communicable and tropical diseases in Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Viet Nam.
A new regional railway brings hope for growth to Cambodians, and reminds older Cambodians of prosperous times before recent decades of conflict.
PHNOM PENH, CAMBODIA (4 August 2011) – Key development partners of the Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation Program met senior officials of the GMS countries to discuss support for the new Strategic Framework 2012-22 that will guide the program over the next decade. The meeting was part of the 17th GMS Ministerial Conference held on 2-4 August in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.