GMS Contents

GMS Countries Renew Efforts to Boost Investments in Natural Assets

NAY PYI TAW, MYANMAR (29 January 2015) – Greater Mekong Subregion countries pledged to redouble efforts to protect and enhance their natural assets—including forests, farmlands, wetlands and water bodies—to ensure they contribute to inclusive and sustainable development, amid concerns that failure to take action threatens the subregion’s growth prospects.

Regional Workshop on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Surveillance System

Regional Workshop on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Surveillance System

The Ministry of Health (MOH) of Cambodia conducted a Regional Workshop on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Surveillance System on 5–6 September 2019 at Somadevi Angkor Hotel in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Regional Exchange Workshop on Malaria Interventions Among Mobile Migrant Populations

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) in coordination with International Organization for Migration
(IOM) organized the Regional Knowledge Exchange Workshop on Malaria Interventions Among
Mobile Migrant Populations in Bangkok on 17 to 18 May 2018 to share successes, challenges,
and lessons learned during the implementation of RCDTA 8959-REG: Malaria and
Communicable Diseases Control in the GMS. 

Regional Workshop on Improving Laboratory Services and Infection Prevention and Control in the GMS

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) organized the Regional Workshop on Improving Laboratory Services and Infection Prevention and Control in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) on 4 to 5 June 2018 in Mandalay, Myanmar. The participants were government officials, laboratory services focal persons, infection prevention and control experts from Ministry of Health of Cambodia, Lao PDR Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Nam; and representatives from ADB and development partners (JICA, USAID, FAO and URC).

The overall objective of the workshop was to improve the quality of laboratory services and infection prevention control capacity within GMS related to emerging and infectious diseases and communicable disease control.
