4th Meeting of the GMS Urban Development Task Force
The Fourth Meeting of the GMS Urban Development Task Force was held in Nay Pyi Taw on 18–19 August 2015.
The Fourth Meeting of the GMS Urban Development Task Force was held in Nay Pyi Taw on 18–19 August 2015.
HA NOI, VIET NAM (3 December 2015) – The Asian Development Bank has approved a $100 million loan to support government efforts to boost urban and water services in Bac Giang, Mong Cai and Sa Pa, three towns located along the North-South Economic Corridor within the Greater Mekong Subregion.
VIENTIANE, LAO PEOPLE’S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC (16 November 2015) – The Asian Development Bank has approved a $37 million loan, with an additional $10 million in cofinancing, to support government efforts to improve urban services in Houayxay and Luang Namtha, two towns located along a Greater Mekong Subregion main economic corridor.
Modern water supply, wastewater treatment, and garbage collection services are paving the way for the transformation of the city of Mandalay in upper Myanmar into a prosperous, green urban center.
BANGKOK, THAILAND (15 October 2017) – The Asian Development Bank and the Neighbouring Countries Economic Development Cooperation Agency, a Thai development agency, have signed a partnership arrangement to carry out joint cooperation programs at national and regional levels.
The Greater Mekong Subregion Urban Development Strategic Framework, 2012–2022, sets out a broad framework to encourage and facilitate a coordinated approach to the development of urban areas throughout the GMS.
KUNMING, PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA (11 June 2015) – Government ministers and senior officials attending the Greater Mekong Subregion Seventh Economic Corridors Forum today agreed on measures to promote the development of economic corridors, facilitate cross-border transport and trade, and enhance cooperation and private sector participation.
KUNMING, PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA (10 June 2015) – Ministers and senior officials from the six Greater Mekong Subregion countries and the Vice-President of the Asian Development Bank will convene tomorrow at the 7th GMS Economic Corridors Forum to discuss how to further develop economic corridors, facilitate cross-border transport and trade, and enhance cooperation and private sector participation – including the development of Special Economic Zones.