GMS Contents

Study Tour on Green Energy Transition

The study tour and masterclass provided participants with in-depth understanding and practical knowledge of (i) key energy transition tasks and tools, (ii) technologies and applications to be utilized for renewable energy integration and expansion, (iii) policy frameworks to support energy transition, and (iv) power market development to support energy transition including interstate trades.

GMS TFTI 2nd Training and 3rd Meeting

The GMS Task Force on Trade and Investment held the 2nd training and the 3rd meeting on January 23-25 in Vientiane. 30 government officials joined the training and studied SME financing schemes and communication strategies. The task force meeting agreed on the work plan for 2024 to promote digitalization and better engage with the private sector. On January 25, delegates visited Vientiane Logistics Park and Vientiane Saysettha Development Zone and exchanged views with the private sector.

The High-Value Horticulture Development Project in Viet Nam scales up and transfers a successful high-value horticulture business model built on the introduction of climate-controlled greenhouse technology in tropical highlands in Asia. The business model will be replicated for vegetable production. Photo by ADB.

GMS Officials Discuss Priorities for Climate-smart Agri-food Value Chains and Green Financing

The 20th Annual Meeting of the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Working Group on Agriculture (WGA) was held on 10–12 May 2023 in Siem Reap, Cambodia. The meeting underscored the need to enhance (i) subregional cooperation on green and climate resilient agri-food value chains, and (ii) green financing of small and medium agribusinesses. The meeting also confirmed four priority action points by the WGA, and discussed the planned new agriculture sector strategy.

The Kim Thanh International Border Gate between Lao Cai (Viet Nam) and Yunnan Province (PRC) plays a vital role in the GMS northern corridor. Photo by ADB.

AEIR 2023 Highlights Deepening Integration, Continued Economic Growth in the GMS

The Asian Economic Integration Report 2023 highlights the continued growth of integration in subregional initiatives and programs in Southeast Asia, including both in the GMS and the ASEAN, from 2006 to 2020.

Financing for Tech Startups

Tech startups can provide needed digital solutions that can reinvigorate economies. However, findings from Cambodia, Thailand, and Viet Nam show that tech startups rely on an array of small financing sources and that venture capital is elusive. This webinar will discuss financing sources and policy options to support impactful tech startups in the greentech, agritech, edtech, and healthtech when patient capital is in short supply.
