6th Greater Mekong Subregion Environment Ministers’ Meeting – Online Meeting Agenda

Phnom Penh | Cambodia | 10-13 September 2024


The 6th Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Environment Ministers' Meeting (EMM6) is hosted by the Kingdom of Cambodia and will be attended by the Environment Ministers and senior officials of the GMS countries; representatives from development partner organizations (DPs), civil society organizations and the private sector; and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) officials.

The 6th Greater Mekong Subregion Environment Ministers’ Meeting consists of three days of events leading up to the official EMM-6, which will take place on Friday, 13 September 2024.

We are pleased to invite you to join the sessions as an online participant. Please see the agenda below and click on the links to register to participate through Zoom.


International Workshop on Climate Actions and Environmental Sustainability in the GMS

Day 1 | Tuesday, 10 September 2024

The workshop will look back on the initiatives, successes, and lessons learned during the GMS Environment Program Phases I-III (2006-2025), highlighting the strategic environmental achievements and institutional strengthening within the GMS countries. Participants will discuss gaps and priorities for further cooperation, setting up the way forward for future phases of the program.



(Phnom Penh time GMT+7)

Track 1

Click here to register to join Track 1 sessions online

Track 2

Click here to register to join Track 2 sessions online

08:45 – 09:45

Opening session
Welcome remarks

Keynote speech: “Accelerating climate action and promoting environmental sustainability in the GMS”





Session A

Building Climate and Disaster Resilience

Session B

Facilitating Low Carbon Transitions


Lunch break


Session C

Promoting Climate-Smart Landscapes

Session D

Enhancing Environmental Quality through Pollution Control and Waste Management





Session E

Deploying Digital Technologies for Climate Action and Environmental Sustainability

Session F

Innovative Climate and Disaster Risk Financing Instruments


Report at the Plenary

Wrap-up of Day 1 and conclusions



Technical Parallel sessions

Day 2 | Wednesday, 11 September 2024

On the second day, partners will host technical sessions with a broad range of stakeholders as a platform for discussing regional priorities for action up to 2030 and beyond. Topics will include a development partner dialogue, private sector dialogue, youth, gender and social inclusion, plastic pollution, holistic resilience, net-zero transition, innovative financing mechanisms, digital technologies for climate action, and more.



(Phnom Penh time GMT+7)

Track 1

Click here to register to join Track 1 sessions online

Track 2

Click here to register to join Track 2 sessions online

Track 3

Click here to register to join Track 3 sessions online

08:45 – 10:30

Development Partners


Session host: Asian

Development Bank (ADB)

Disaster Risk


Session host: Asian

Disaster Preparedness

Center (ADPC)


Solutions (NbS)

Session host: WWF




Private Sector


Session host: ADB

Holistic Resilience

Session host: World Bank

Nature-based Solutions




Lunch break


Gender and

Climate Action

Session host: ADB

Innovative Finance


Session host:

Asian Infrastructure

Investment Bank (AIIB)

Plastic Pollution

Session host:

  • Lead: Ministry of Environment, Cambodia
  • Co-organiser: IGES





Youth and Climate Action

Session host:

  • Lead: The Coalition for Integrity and Social Accountability (CISA)
  • Co-organizer: ADB

Climate Transition and

Cooperation in GMS

Session host:

  • Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
  • Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)

Plastic Pollution



28th Annual Meeting of the GMS Working Group on Environment – Open sessions

Day 3 | Thursday, 12 September 2024 | Afternoon sessions only

The 28th Annual Meeting of the GMS WGE will look back on the current, third phase of the GMS Environment Program, with a focus on progress in environmental quality management and financing of low-carbon and climate resilient infrastructure and technologies. The meeting will discuss the ways forward for the next phase of the program, as well as seek the endorsement of the GMS 2030 Strategic Framework for Accelerating Climate Actions and Environmental Sustainability and the Phnom Penh Joint Statement on Prevention of Plastic Pollution in the GMS. The afternoon sessions, titled Environmental quality management & circular economy and Financing low-carbon and climate-resilient infrastructure and technology, are open to all participants.



(Phnom Penh time GMT+7)

Click here to register to join the sessions online


Environmental quality management & circular economy


Financing low-carbon and climate-resilient infrastructure and technology


Summary of Discussion


Summary of Discussion

Concluding Remarks


Last Updated: 8 September 2024