GMS Statistics

Easy-to-use website providing interactive and customizable access to the GMS Statistical Database.

Projects Database

Introduction to the GMS project pipeline, including search function to quickly find projects of interest.

Project Webmap and Dashboard

Website of the GMS project database blending together interactive maps, live statistics, and online collaboration functions.

Map Library

Selection of ready-made maps of the GMS, for use in presentations and publications.

Geodata Explorer – Regional Version

Platform to interactively select, browse, query, and make your own maps, from a wide range of geodata on the GMS, without the need for technical skills or software. This version is optimized for the development of regional and transboundary maps.

Geodata Explorer – Country Version

Platform to interactively select, browse, query, and make your own maps, from a wide range of geodata on the GMS, without the need for technical skills or software. This version is optimized for the development of country maps.

Geodata Library

Selection of geographic data of the GMS giving users a maximum of customization and analytical options. Provided formats include ESRI Shapefile (for use in GIS software) and Google KMZ file (for use with Google Earth).


Selection of innovative statistical and spatial tools adapted to support integrated development and investment planning in the GMS.