Feed the Future Global Food Security Broad Agency Announcement

USAID ( United States Agency for International Development)

USAID is issuing this Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) to invite participants to co-create, co-design, co-invest, and collaborate on innovative research and development (R&D) interventions to address challenges to global food security. The intent of the BAA is to create high-quality, effective partnerships to conduct cutting-edge R&D to find new and innovative ways of combating food insecurity and malnutrition. Under this BAA, USAID seeks partners that are committed to shared responsibility, shared risk, and shared resourcing, or co-investment. USAID's Bureau for Food Security (BFS) is seeking R&D to develop new and innovative approaches to enhance agricultural systems and rural development through well-integrated interventions that empower youth and foster improved gender dynamics, particularly in the areas of: 1) Inclusive and sustainable agriculture-led economic growth; 2) Strengthened resilience among people and systems, especially to new and recurrent shocks and stresses; and 3) A well-nourished population, especially women and children. Please visit https://feedthefuture.gov/approach for additional information, including target countries and the U.S. Government Global Food Security Strategy. The BAA is open for 1 year from date of issuance. However, Expressions of Interest Submissions Due: 12:00 PM ET (Washington DC Time) April 23, 2018. Questions Due: 10:00 AM ET (Washington DC Time) April 12, 2018; Send Questions and EOI Submissions to FTFBAA@usaid.gov.