Nara Green Tea, Myanmar


As a leading tea manufacturer in Myanmar, the National International Commercial Enterprise, Ltd produces green teas to substitue for poppy production in three states: Kachin, Shan and Chin States, helping over a thousand indigenous families in these states. Its main products are the Nara organic green tea planted in over 600 hectares and an annual output of 10 tons. Its Chin Mountain organic green tea is one of the famous teas in the country grown at an elevation of 6,000 feet above sea level in the Chin State which is among the least developed areas in Myanmar. Now it exports to France, Australia and Republic of Korea. It is ironic that they do not export to Japan even if the initial grant came from Nara City, hence the name of the tea, due to Japanese quality control standards but they are hoping one day they will can do so. The company also produces pickled tea, a highly nutritious and popular snack or dessert, playing an important role in the socio-economic life of the people. Pickled tea is said to give an alert feeling for work and study. The GMS Thaifex exposure was good for the company and they hope they will get new sales orders.

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Date Uploaded: 
29 August 2017
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