Asean-China Free Trade Area Preferential Tariff Certificate of Origin (Form E)


A document required by the authorities in an importing country to prove the origin of the goods. A CO is valid for one year from the date of issuance. This CO is applied to Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Other pre-requisites include: Registration Form, Trade Operator Registration Form or Trade qualification certificate, Organization Code Certificate, A Power of Attorney (if).

Associated Country: 
People's Republic of China
Commodity Group: 
Coffee, Tea and Infusions / Cereals, Grains and Rice / Condiments and Spices / Meat and Seafood Products / Fruits and Vegetables / Specialty and Others
Date Uploaded: 
23 March 2018
Document Category: 
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Prerequisite Documents: 
