

HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) is a food safety tool focusing on the prevention of hazards rather than relying on end-product testing. HACCP is an internationally recognised as a monitoring and control system to prevent potential hazards during food processing. The USA requires mandatory HACCP program as an effective approach to food safety. The regulation EC No 852/2004 states that “all food business operators should establish and operate food safety program and procedures based on HACCP principles”.


GMP (good manufacturing practices), also known as pre-requisite programs, is considered as a first step to food safety as a series of principles to be fulfilled to ensure that products meet legal pre-requisites for safety and quality. GMP has seven principles:
• PRINCIPLE 1: Design and Facilities
• PRINCIPLE 2: Control of Operations
• PRINCIPLE 3: Maintenance and Sanitation
• PRINCIPLE 4: Personal Hygiene
• PRINCIPLE 5: Transportation
• PRINCIPLE 6: Product information and consumer awareness (Traceability)
• PRINCIPLE 7: Training


GLOBALG.A.P is a voluntary and private standard began in 1997 as EUREPGAP , which is an initiative by EUREP, a large supermarket chains in Western Europe . The aim of GLOBALG.A.P is to increase consumers’ confidence in food safety, environmental impact and the health, safety and welfare of workers and animals. GLOBALG.A.P standard consists of IFA Standard and General Rules, and CPCC.


GAP (Good Agriculture Practice) has been developed by food industries, producers' organizations, governments and NGOs to address the environment, economic and social sustainability on the farm and ensure the safe and quality food. GAP has been promoted by the government as guidance of the food safety on the farm, but it is not regulation. Each country developed their own GAP policy and guidance

Viet GAP

GAP (Good Agriculture Practice) has been developed by food industries, producers' organizations, governments and NGOs to address the environment, economic and social sustainability on the farm and ensure the safe and quality food. GAP has been promoted by the government as guidance of the food safety on the farm, but it is not regulation.

Thai GI

The GI logo of Thailand is mark which the Department of Intellectual Property approves for the GI producer to certify that the product originates from the registered geographical source, by which the producer has to comply with the control manual and control plan.


Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS) are locally focused quality assurance systems. They certify producers based on active participation of stakeholders and are built on a foundation of trust, social networks and knowledge exchange.


Moreover, to export organic products to Switzerland it is necessary to comply with the requirements of national and EC regulation into force, together with the additional requirements of Bio Suisse standards, plus receiving an inspection from the control body that controls and certify the company for EC Reg. 834/07.

Organic Thailand

Organic Thailand is the official organic label by the Department of Agriculture under the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives of Thailand. It indicates that the product has been produced according to the Organic Thailand Agriculture Standard TAS 9001-2552