Meat and Seafood Products

Packing List

Packing list is a list of all goods shipped, it contain packing information as well. It serves to inform all involved parties about the content of the baggage. Packing List is prepared by the shipping company.

Import and Export License

Issued by the Bureau of Industry and Commerce (BIC) to an “authorized food import-export agent”. In addition, the importer and exporter must comply with AQSIQ’s on-line registration requirements, which include filing relevant information regarding the company’s business scope and details.
(Link to the on-line registration system:

Generalized System of Preferences Certificate of Origin (Form A)

A document required by the authorities in an importing country to prove the origin of the goods. A CO is valid for one year from the date of issuance. This CO is applied to Britain, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, Ireland, Denmark, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Cyprus, Malta, Bulgaria, Romania, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and Turkey.

General Certificate of Origin (CO)

A document required by the authorities in an importing country to prove the origin of the goods. A CO is valid for one year from the date of issuance. This general one can be used in all the countries of the world. Other pre-requisites include: Registration Form, Trade Operator Registration Form or Trade qualification certificate, Organization Code Certificate, A Power of Attorney (if)