CICC (Thailand) Co.,Ltd

Inspects (Country): 
Cambodia / People's Republic of China / Lao PDR / Myanmar / Thailand / Viet Nam


GMP (good manufacturing practices), also known as pre-requisite programs, is considered as a first step to food safety as a series of principles to be fulfilled to ensure that products meet legal pre-requisites for safety and quality. GMP has seven principles:
• PRINCIPLE 1: Design and Facilities
• PRINCIPLE 2: Control of Operations
• PRINCIPLE 3: Maintenance and Sanitation
• PRINCIPLE 4: Personal Hygiene
• PRINCIPLE 5: Transportation
• PRINCIPLE 6: Product information and consumer awareness (Traceability)
• PRINCIPLE 7: Training

Chinese Agri-GI

The Trademark Office under the State Administration for Industry & Commerce and Trademark Office (SAIC) is responsible to register collective and certification marks containing geographical indications.

PRC Organic

The organic certification is administrating by government agency named CNCA and the implementation of certification according to China Organic Standard GB19630.1-4 - 2005 are perform by CQC . The certificate is valid for 1 year for the Organic mark, and the Conversion to Organic mark.