GMS Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security Program (formerly called -Implementing the Strategy on Agro- based Value Chain Investments in the GMS-)

GMS East-West Economic Corridor Agriculture Infrastructure Sector Project (Additional Financing - Loan)

Cluster and Value Chain Development for Geographical Indications related to SEAP

GMS Cross- border Livestock Health and Value Chains Improvement Project (formerly Animal Disease Control Zone)

Agro-industrial Zones (AIZ) to support promotion of safe and environment- friendly agro-based value chains

Climate-Friendly Agribusiness Value Chains Sector Project (Grant - 0585)

Establishing Environmentally Sustainable City Partnerships in the GMS

Enhancing Rural Environmental Governance in the GMS

Enhancing Community Competitiveness and Resilience through Ecosystem- Based Approaches (TA)

Low-Carbon Forestry in GMS Economic Corridors (TA)

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