Modernization of SPS Agencies for Trade Facilitation Project

Support for Implementing the Action Plan for Transport and Trade Facilitation in the Greater Mekong Subregion (Subproject 2)

Strengthening Trade Facilitation in the GMS through Partnerships with the Private Sector

Preparing the New GMS Tourism Sector Strategy, 2016-2026 (All GMS Countries)

Third Greater Mekong Subregion Corridor Towns Development Project (TA)

PPTA for GMS Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development (Cambodia, the PRC, the Lao PDR, and Myanmar)

Greater Mekong Subregion Health Security Project

Low-Carbon Freight Initiative formerly Low Carbon Freight Corridors

Core Environment Program and Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative in the Greater Mekong Subregion, Phase 2 (TA - 2nd Supplementary)

Enhancing Competitiveness and Trade Facilitation of Agri-Food Products in the GMS (TA)

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