Enhancing Food Security by Building Resilient Food Production System in the GMS (Loan)

Agri-Tourism Value Chains Development

Enhancing Regional Competitiveness on Food Safety, Quality and Market Access for Smallholders

Biosafety, Transboundary Diseases Control and Invasive Species Prevention

Viet Nam-PRC 500 kV Power Interconnection

PRC-Lao PDR-Thailand 500 kV Interconnection

East-West Corridor Power Transmission and Distribution Project in the Lao PDR

Feasibility Study and Extension of the East- West Energy Corridor to Mawlamyine (as part of a concerted and planned extension of the EWEC): Myanmar

Extension of Energy Access in Myanmar from Nodes in Thailand and in the People-s Republic of China (PRC)

Demonstration of Second Generation Biofuel Technologies and Associated Biomass Value Chains

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