GMS Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM) on the initial findings of the Midterm Review of GMS Strategic Framework

GMS Economic Corridors Week

GMS Governors’ Forum

1st Meeting of Task Force on GMS Strategic Framework MTR and Action Plan

Focus Group Discussions on the GMS SF II Midterm Review

GMS Senior Officials Meeting-6th Task Force Meeting for the 6th Summit/Brainstroming Meeting

Final Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM) for ECF-9 and 22nd Ministerial Conference and 5th Task Force Meeting for the 6th GMS Summit

GMS Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM)-4th preparatory meeting for the 9th GMS Economic Corridors Forum, 22nd GMS Ministerial Conference and the 6th GMS Summit

14th Annual Meeting of the GMS Workking Group on Agriculture (WGA AM-14) back-to-back with Task Force Meeting for AMM-2 Preparations

Consultation Mission for the (i) the Midterm Review of the Greater Mekong Subregion Strategic Framework 2012-2022, and (ii) Preparation of the Hanoi Action Plan 2018-2022

Consultation Mission for the (i) the Midterm Review of the Greater Mekong Subregion Strategic Framework 2012-2022, and (ii) Preparation of the Hanoi Action Plan 2018-2022

Consultation Mission for the (i) the Midterm Review of the Greater Mekong Subregion Strategic Framework 2012-2022, and (ii) Preparation of the Hanoi Action Plan 2018-2022

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