Central Yunnan Roads Development (PPTA-PRC) [Wuding-Kunming]

Railway Development Project

Preventing HIV/AIDS on Road Projects in Yunnan Province (ADTA-PRC)

Dali-Lijiang Railway (PPTA-PRC)

Guangxi Roads Development II (PPTA-PRC)

Preparing the Western Yunnan Roads Development Project

Guangxi Highway Development (PPTA-PRC)

Second Ports Development - PRC PPTA

Heilongjiang and Yunnan Expressways


First Phase of the China-Thailand High Speed Rail Underway

First Phase of the China-Thailand High Speed Rail Underway

A planned 873-kilometer China-Thailand High Speed Rail will connect Bangkok, Thailand, to Kunming city in Yunnan Province, People's Republic of China (PRC). On 29 March, transportation authorities from the Government of Thailand and construction firms from the PRC signed the construction agreement for the first phase of the railway.  

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