
2nd Semi-Annual Meeting Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Working Group on Environment (WGE SAM 2)

2nd Semi-Annual Meeting Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Working Group on Environment (WGE SAM 2)

The GMS Working Group on Environment 2nd Semi-Annual Meeting (WGE SAM-2) was held on 28 November 2007 via videoconference at ADB resident missions in Cambodia, PRC, Lao PDR, Thailand, Viet Nam and ADB Headquarters as the host. WGE representatives from Myanmar extended their apologized for not being able to attend the meeting. The participants list is attached as Appendix 1. It was recognized that it was the first time videoconferencing was tried for a WGE meeting and some basic meeting rules were established to enable a smooth discussion.



Twelfth Meeting of the Working Group on Environment (WGE-12): Summary of Proceedings

Twelfth Meeting of the Working Group on Environment (WGE-12): Summary of Proceedings

The Twelfth Meeting of the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Working Group on Environment (WGE-12) was held in Bangkok, Thailand on 25-26 April 2006. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) of Thailand hosted the meeting in cooperation with the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The participants included delegations from Cambodia, the People's Republic of China (PRC), Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, and Viet Nam. Observers/resource persons from MFLU, IGES, UNCRD, UNEP, SEI, SIDA, USAID, US EPA, The Netherlands Government, MRC, IUCN, WWF, and ADB also attended.


Connecting Nations, Linking People

Connecting Nations, Linking People

This publication outlines the GMS Economic Cooperation Program (GMS Program) which was initiated in 1992 with the support of ADB. It aims to promote economic cooperation among Cambodia, People's Republic of China (PRC), Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), Myanmar, Thailand, and Viet Nam.
The GMS Program covers nine priority sectors: transportation, telecommunications, energy, environment, human resource development, trade, investment, tourism, and agriculture.


Journal of Greater Mekong Subregion Development Studies - October 2005

Journal of Greater Mekong Subregion Development Studies - October 2005

The fledgling Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Journal for Development Studies, published under the auspices of the Phnom Penh Plan (PPP) for Development Management, moves a step ahead with the second issue. In what might be considered as "ascending steps," GMS scholarship is moving forward, slowly but surely. The PPP's commitment is to ensure that we continue to make strides towards our goal of bridging the gap between research and capacity building and to propagate the gospel of balanced socioeconomic development in the GMS.





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