GMS Agriculture Ministers endorse the Core Agriculture Support Program Phase 1 (2006–2010)




GMS Transport Strategy 2006–2015

GMS Transport Strategy 2006–2015

The transport sector is critical to economic cooperation among the countries of the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS). Soon after its inception in 1992, the GMS Economic Cooperation Program developed a GMS Transport Master Plan (1995) to encourage commercial exchange among the countries to spur development, generate employment opportunities, and assist GMS countries’ programs to reduce poverty. The Transport Master Plan served well to develop the economic corridors that are the foundation of the GMS Program.


2nd Semi-Annual Meeting Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Working Group on Environment (WGE SAM 2)

2nd Semi-Annual Meeting Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Working Group on Environment (WGE SAM 2)

The GMS Working Group on Environment 2nd Semi-Annual Meeting (WGE SAM-2) was held on 28 November 2007 via videoconference at ADB resident missions in Cambodia, PRC, Lao PDR, Thailand, Viet Nam and ADB Headquarters as the host. WGE representatives from Myanmar extended their apologized for not being able to attend the meeting. The participants list is attached as Appendix 1. It was recognized that it was the first time videoconferencing was tried for a WGE meeting and some basic meeting rules were established to enable a smooth discussion.


ADB, PRC Issue Grant to Support Greater Mekong Subregion's Efforts to Monitor and Evaluate Poverty-Reduction Projects

ADB, PRC Issue Grant to Support Greater Mekong Subregion's Efforts to Monitor and Evaluate Poverty-Reduction Projects

MANILA, PHILIPPINES (13 November 2007) - The Asian Development Bank will manage a $500,000 technical assistance grant funded by the People's Republic of China to help countries in the Greater Mekong Subregion develop results-based monitoring and evaluation systems used in assessing efforts to reduce poverty.





Sixth Meeting of the Regional Power Trade Coordination Committee (RPTCC-6)

Sixth Meeting of the Regional Power Trade Coordination Committee (RPTCC-6)

The RPTCC-6 meeting was held to undertake the following: (i) confirm the FG-4 agreements and recommendations on the next steps and timelines of priority RPTCC studies and activities; (ii) discuss updates on the ongoing and proposed technical assistance to the RPTCC; (iii) review, refine and set the milestones for preparation of the proposed MOU on the power trade road map and Action Plan on Energy; and (iv) brief GMS representatives on the experiences in developing other regional energy markets.

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