The Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region is included in the GMS geography


First Meeting of the Joint Committee for the CBTA

First Meeting of the Joint Committee for the CBTA

The first meeting of the Joint Committee for the Greater Mekong Subregion Cross-Border Transport Agreement was held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on 30 April 2004. The meeting was jointly organized by the Ministry of Public Works and Transport of the Kingdom of Cambodia, and the Asian Development Bank.



Eighth Meeting of the Subregional Transport Forum (STF-8)

Eighth Meeting of the Subregional Transport Forum (STF-8)

The Eighth Meeting (the Meeting) of the Subregional Transport Forum (the STF) was held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on 3-4 August 2004. The Meeting was jointly organized by the Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT) of the Royal Government of Cambodia and the Asian Development Bank (ADB).



Greater Mekong Subregion Atlas of the Environment

Greater Mekong Subregion Atlas of the Environment

The Greater Mekong Subregion Atlas of the Environment champions the environment of a unique part of Asia, an area straddled by rivers great and small, with bountiful watersheds, wetlands, and forests.
The Atlas celebrates the peoples of the subregion, and presents the environmental challenges they face and their responses. It reminds us that the subregion's peoples and communities are key to maintaining its environment.


Journal of Greater Mekong Subregion Development Studies - December 2004

Journal of Greater Mekong Subregion Development Studies - December 2004

This is the inaugural issue of the Journal of Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Development Studies. It is published under the auspices of the Phnom Penh Plan (PPP) for Development Management, a recent capacity building initiative of GMS countries supported by the Asian Development Bank and the New Zealand Agency for International Development. Enhancing skills and knowledge of middle and senior GMS civil servants is at the heart of the PPP. The journal seeks to complement this effort by promoting a better understanding of GMS development issues.


Second Meeting of the Regional Power Trade Coordination Committee (RPTCC-2): Summary of Discussions

Second Meeting of the Regional Power Trade Coordination Committee (RPTCC-2): Summary of Discussions

The Second Meeting of the Regional Power Trade Coordination Committee (RPTCC-2) was held in Bangkok, Thailand on 1-2 December. The Meeting was co-organized by the Energy Policy and Planning Office (EPPO), Ministry of Energy (MOE) of the Kingdom of Thailand, and the Asian Development Bank (ADB).


Fourth Meeting of the Trade Facilitation Working Group: Summary of Proceedings

Fourth Meeting of the Trade Facilitation Working Group: Summary of Proceedings

The Fourth Meeting of the Trade Facilitation Working Group (TFWG-4) was held on 11-12 November 2004 in Kunming, Yunnan Province, People's Republic of China. The Meeting was co-chaired by Mr. Sun Yuanjiang, Director, Department of International Trade and Economic Affairs, Ministry of Commerce, People's Republic of China; and Mr. Robert Boumphrey Director, and Ms. Lingling Ding, Trade Economist, Governance, Finance and Trade Division, Mekong Department (MKGF), alternating for ADB.


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