Inception Workshop for the GMS Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security Program

The Asian Development Bank is organizing an inception workshop for the ADB TA 9916 - Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security Program (SAFSP) on 9–10 June 2021 via web-based video conference. This knowledge and support technical assistance (TA), which runs for 5 years (April 2020 – March 2025), supports the implementation of the Strategy for Promoting Safe and Environment-Friendly Agro-Based Value Chains in the GMS and Siem Reap Action Plan, endorsed by the GMS Agriculture Ministers in September 2017. The TA builds on the achievements of the GMS Core Agriculture Support Program (CASP) phases I (2006-2012) and II (2012-2019).
Objectives of the Workshop
- To present the TA team’s inception findings for GMS stakeholder review and feedback; and
- To build consensus on proposed TA activities and schedule of implementation as well as duties and responsibilities of various stakeholders.
The inception workshop aims to receive feedback on the draft inception report and inform key stakeholders at the GMS and national levels of the proposed assessments, studies, demonstrations, capacity building, and knowledge products. By the end of the workshop, it is expected that the key GMS stakeholders will (i) have assessed the proposed plans and activities for the TA (ii) have contributed to the agreed implementation plan, (iii) know their roles, and (iv) understand how they will contribute to the TA activities and outputs.
GMS Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security Program
The expected impact of the TA is realizing the GMS vision of being a leading supplier of safe and climate-friendly agri-food products. The outcome of the TA is increased GMS investments and capacity for climate-friendly, safe, and sustainable agri-food value chains. The TA has three outputs: (i) Climate-friendly, inclusive, and gender-responsive agri-food value chains and agribusinesses strengthened; (ii) Harmonized crop and livestock safety and quality systems adopted; and (iii) Climate-adaptive agriculture in the context of the water-energy-food security nexus enhanced. ADB is the executing agency for the TA. The GMS Working Group on Agriculture (WGA), in collaboration with relevant departments of the Ministry of Agriculture and other ministries (e.g., commerce, environment, finance, industry, science and technology, trade), will oversee the implementation of the TA.
Last Updated: 4 June 2021