Greater Mekong Subregion Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Program

The Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Program (CCESP) seeks to support the six countries of the GMS in realizing economic development that is environmentally sound and climate resilient.
This brochure presents the scope and rationale of the GMS CCESP, a regional technical assistance managed by the Asian Development Bank and overseen by the GMS Working Group on Environment. The program follows two previous phases of the GMS Core Environment Program and focuses on six priority themes: climate and disaster resilience, low-carbon transitions, climate-smart landscapes, environmental sustainability, green technologies, and financing instruments for low-carbon and climate-resilient infrastructure. The brochure highlights each theme and features a ‘by the numbers’ infographic on the significant components of CCESP.
The second, detailed brochure builds upon the first by providing an overview of the path between program components, thematic areas, outputs, outcomes, and overall impact. It features a list of activities realized under each of the three main outputs of the program and how they relate to the six priority thematic areas.
Last Updated: Thursday, 3 February 2022