GMS 2030 Strategic Framework for Accelerating Climate Action and Environmental Sustainability

The GMS 2030 Strategic Framework for Accelerating Climate Action and Environmental Sustainability aims to prioritize actions to accelerate implementation of selected GMS-wide interventions towards meeting the national and international commitments on climate resilience, greenhouse gas mitigation, biodiversity conservation, and environmental sustainability. The framework proposes a multi-faceted strategy that includes policy alignment, regional cooperation, community engagement, and sustainable development initiatives.
The strategic framework is aligned with national strategies of GMS countries on climate change, green growth, national adaptation plans, disaster risk reduction strategies, biodiversity, pollution control and other national commitments to the international agreements.
Likewise, the strategic framework is fully aligned with the Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation Program Strategic Framework 2030 (GMS 2030), the GMS Innovation Strategy for Development 2030, the GMS Gender Strategy Implementation Plan 2025-2030, and the GMS Digitalization Action Plan 2025-2027, and other strategies and action plans to increase cooperation among GMS countries.
The SF2030 is based on four interconnected thematic areas critical for a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable GMS. These include:
(i) Enhancing climate and disaster resilience for communities and ecosystems
(ii) Supporting a just and inclusive low-carbon transition
(iii) Fostering a circular green economy and strengthening pollution control measures
(iv) Deploying nature-based solutions for promoting biodiversity, ecosystem restoration, and improved livelihoods.
Last Updated: Thursday, 31 October 2024