Climate Change and Rural Communities in the Greater Mekong Subregion: A Framework for Assessing Vulnerability and Adaptation Options

This report presents the methodology and lessons learned from a climate change adaptation study conducted under the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Core Environment Program. The study yielded a framework and methodology for assessing climate vulnerability and adaptation options for rural communities in the GMS. It was conducted in biodiversity conservation corridors in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Thailand, and Viet Nam during 2011–2012. The report introduces the framework, describes how it was applied, presents major results, and makes recommendations for future improvement.
This study contributes to building understanding of the risks that GMS rural communities face with changing climatic conditions and of appropriate adaptation options. Lessons from this study can inform future research. The following eight recommendations suggest ways in which the study approach and methodology can be improved and scaled up.
Building on this study, the Core Environment Program will strengthen the capacity of GMS practitioners and institutions to conduct climate vulnerability and adaptation assessments at the community level. Through a consultation process and partnership with GMS institutions, The Core Environment Program will enhance the overall assessment framework and facilitate a wider application of the framework to inform adaptation planning in the subregion.
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Climate Change and Rural Communities in the Greater Mekong Subregion: A Framework for Assessing Vulnerability and Adaptation Options |
Last Updated: Monday, 5 May 2014