Call for Exhibitors: Showcase Your Innovations at the 3rd Greater Mekong Subregion Agriculture Ministers’ Meeting (AMM6)
Call for Exhibitors: Showcase Your Innovations at the 3rd Greater Mekong Subregion Agriculture Ministers’ Meeting (AMM3)

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People’s Republic of China and the Asian Development Bank are excited to invite tech companies, startups, agribusinesses, development partners, academic, and research institutions to showcase their innovative solutions and technologies to address agricultural and sustainability challenges at the third Greater Mekong Subregion Agriculture Ministers’ Meeting (AMM3). The event will be held from September 24 to 27, 2024, in Wuhua District, Kunming, Yunnan, People’s Republic of China and will bring together agriculture ministers from the GMS countries.
Areas of Focus
- Green, Inclusive, and Gender-responsive Agri-food Value Chains
- Financing for Climate-smart Agribusinesses
- Food Safety and Quality Standards, Certification, and Traceability
- Cross-border Animal Health and Value Chains
- Water and Soil for Food Security
- Agriculture in the context of the water-energy-food security nexus
- Youth, Gender and Social Inclusion
- Private Sector Engagement
Event Information
- Location: Green lake hotel, Wuhua District, Kunming, Yunnan, China
- Date and Time: 24 - 27 September 2024 l 09:00 - 17:00 hrs.
- Number of Participants: 150
Registration and participation as an Exhibitor is free of charge. Interested exhibitors are encouraged to register their participation no later than August 16, 2024, at:
For any inquiries, contact: Mr. Thanakon Sukuman or Mr. Kewal Thapar at
See the terms and conditions here
.Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How can I register as an exhibitor for the ministerial meeting?
A: The organizer only accepts registration through online application at before 16th August 2024 (GMT +07, BKK time). Late registration will not be considered.
Q: When do I receive the result of the registration?
A: The organizer will inform the selected exhibitors within two weeks after the closing date via provided email address. Exhibitors should confirm their participation no later than one week after they receive the confirmation.
Q: What exhibition facilities will be made available?
A: The exhibition is being organized outside the main meeting rooms and has a high visibility. All exhibitors will be provided with exhibition space and a booth with display panels free of cost. Necessary connectivity for audio visual equipment will also be provided. Booth dimensions and display panel details will be intimated on confirmation of registration. All set up costs will be borne by the exhibitor.
Q: Can I modify my exhibition booth setup after registration?
A: Yes. Exhibitors are allowed to modify their exhibition including setup, product/service/innovation, booth setup preference, team members, and equipment requirements.
Q: Is there a specific dress code for exhibitors?
A: There is no specific dress code for exhibitors. However, we encourage professional and modest attire that is also culturally appropriate.
Q: Are there restrictions on promotional materials and giveaways at my booth?
A: There are no specific restrictions on promotional materials and giveaways at your booth. However, please be aware that there will be a high level of security in place. To ensure everyone's safety, avoid bringing or distributing any dangerous items, including those that are explosive, toxic, or harmful.
Q: Will catering services be provided for exhibitors?
A: Yes, two coffee breaks and lunch will be provided to all participants, including exhibitors by the event organizers.
Q: How can I promote my participation as an exhibitor before the event?
A: You can use various methods, including online and on-ground activities, but promotion should be restricted to within the exhibition area.
Q: Who is the audience?
A: The main audience will include ministers, high-ranking officials, development partners, academia, private sector representatives, local and international media, and think tanks from the GMS countries. It is our endeavor to have a representation of dynamic, credible and influential international and regional speakers that can initiate debate and discussion on the selected thematic topics.
Q: Will ADB cover my travel, accommodation, and meals during the event?
A: ADB will NOT cover your accommodation and your travel to Yunnan. You will be required to obtain your visa to China and necessary facilitation documentation can be provided on request. ADB will arrange your meals, and local transport between your selected accommodation in China and the exhibition venue (Green Lake Hotel).
Q: What is the duration and timings for the exhibition?
A: The exhibition starts at 9 AM on September 24 and ends at 5 PM on September 27, 2024.
Q: What is the setup time for exhibitors?
A: The setup time for exhibitors starts at 2pm onwards on September 23. Exhibitors are advised to complete their setup by late evening on September 23. Exhibitors are encouraged to participate for the full duration of the exhibition. Exhibitors arriving on 24th can only set up after exhibition hours.
Q: How many people from my team can join the exhibition?
A: A maximum of three members/representatives of the exhibiting team can join the exhibition. All members must be identified, registered, and approved by the organizer.
Q: Can the exhibitors join other sessions of the meeting?
A. The exhibitors can join all the open sessions on day 1 and day 2., We encourage you to actively participate in the interactive discussions that will follow the initial presentations to put forth your viewpoint and opinion. The internal sessions on day 3 and day 4 are exclusive and restricted to invited participants. Please do inform us if you are interested and wish to actively participate in any session on Day 1 and 2 as a discussant or panelist.
. What if I have an emergency back at home? Will I be able to leave early?
A. In the case of an emergency or other unforeseen event, you may seek approval from the ADB to repatriate early. Speak with us should this situation arise.
Q: Can I quit the program if my circumstances change?
A: We all understand that sometimes circumstances change. If you accept your attendance but then learn, before departure, that you will not be able to participate – please inform us as soon as possible so that an alternate may be promoted. If an emergency happens during the program that requires you to leave the program, we will work with you to facilitate an early return.
Last Updated: 17 July 2024