Asian Development Bank and Myanmar: Fact Sheet

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) operations in Myanmar focus on infrastructure for transport, energy, and urban development; education and training; and rural development.
The bank also invests significantly in capacity development and governance; private sector development; environmental protection, climate change mitigation, and disaster risk management; regional cooperation; and gender equality.
ADB is working closely with the government to enhance the technical and institutional capacities of government agencies, develop projects that promote environmental sustainability, and improve the country’s business and regulatory environment to attract more private investment and increase labor-market productivity.
The bank is also integrating into its Myanmar operations specific approaches that help deliver effective support to conflict-affected areas.
Under ADB’s country operation business plan, 2020–2022, which aligns with the government’s Myanmar Sustainable Development Plan, 2018–2030, ADB support will focus on infrastructure as well as education, skills training, and health care.
Updated yearly, this ADB Fact Sheet provides concise information on ADB's operations in the country and contact information.
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Asian Development Bank and Myanmar: Fact Sheet |
Last Updated: Monday, 22 June 2020