19th Meeting of the GMS Regional Power Trade Coordination Committee (RPTCC-19)
The GMS countries convened the 19th meeting of the Regional Power Trade Coordination Committee (RPTCC-19) on 16–17 November in Bangkok, Thailand.
The GMS countries convened the 19th meeting of the Regional Power Trade Coordination Committee (RPTCC-19) on 16–17 November in Bangkok, Thailand.
The 18th Meeting of the Regional Power Trade Coordination Committee (RPTCC-18) was held to (i) provide updates on the status of the Regional Power Coordination Center (RPCC) headquarters hosting issue;
Strategic environmental assessments may be used to compare different energy scenarios, and a more sustainable power plan can be developed by incorporating the wider impacts considered during the assessment process.
Sustainable development encompasses environment, social, and economic dimensions and a wide range of possible indicators could measure the changes in the degree of protection against danger, damage, or loss.
Greater gains in energy savings are possible from improved energy efficiency and conservation measures, both as a smart business investment, and an imperative for the global community.
Renewable energy is a challenge, but also an opportunity for new industries, employment, and new ways to reduce dependency on fuel imports, provide electricity to poor remote areas, reduce air pollution, and provide a healthier environment.
Investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency generate benefits to society as a whole that cannot be fully reflected in investment returns, leading thereby to underinvestment by the private sector.