GMS in the News

Motorcycle tires being manufactured inside the Camel Rubber Vietnam Co. Ltd factory at the Lao Bao Commercial Area in Huong Hoa District, Quang Tri, Viet Nam. The tires produced by the company are sold locally and are also exported to Lao PDR, Cambodia, Thailand, European and South American countries, as well as to other countries in the ASEAN region. Photo by the Asian Development Bank.

ADB Promotes Trade and Cross-border Investment between SMEs in the GMS and India

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) approved a $3,000,000 technical assistance to support the implementation of initiatives to accelerate trade and cross-border investment between small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) of Cambodia, Thailand, Viet Nam—member countries of the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) program—and India. This ADB-administered technical assistance is financed by the United Kingdom Fund for Asia Regional Trade and Connectivity under the Regional Cooperation and Integration Financing Partnership Facility.

The development of night markets in three towns along the Mekong River aims to help revitalize the Greater Mekong Subregion and reduce poverty. Photo credit: Javier Coloma Brotons.

Increasing Economic Activities through Night Markets

A pilot project has developed night markets in selected border towns in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) to take advantage of the economic opportunities opened by infrastructure projects in the area.

Mekong Forum Looks at Ways to Promote Healthy Economic Zones

Economic zones hold unique health risks for both workers and communities, but they also offer opportunities to protect workers’ productivity and improve community health. Photo: ADB.

Mekong Forum Looks at Ways to Promote Healthy Economic Zones

Economic zones are growth engines of the Greater Mekong Subregion, stimulating economic activity and creating jobs. Yet, not much attention has been given to the social and health aspects of economic zone development until recently.

Deputy Director General of ADB's Private Sector Operations Department Christopher Thieme (left) and China Everbright CEO Wang Tianyi (right) after the signing. Photo: ADB.

ADB, China Everbright International Facilitate Clean Waste-to-Energy PPP in Viet Nam

HONG KONG, CHINA (2 February 2018) — The Asian Development Bank today signed a $100 million loan facility agreement with China Everbright International Limited to help a series of municipal waste-to-energy plants in primary and secondary cities in the Mekong Delta.  

(Left to Right) Sok Chenda Sophea, Minister Attached to the Prime Minister, Secretary General Council for Development of Cambodia; Hong Xiao Yong, PRC Ambassador to Viet Nam; Somchith Inthamith, Vice Minister, Ministry of Planning, Lao PDR; Nguyen Chi Dung, Vice Minister, Ministry of Planning and Investment, Viet Nam; Lei Lei Thein, Deputy Minister, Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development, Myanmar; Porametee Vimolsiri, Deputy Secretary General, National Economic and Social Development Board, Thailand; and Bindu Lohani, Vice-President, Knowledge Management and Sustainable Development, ADB. Photo: ADB.

GMS Economic Corridors Must Yield More Jobs and Investment, Forum Hears

HA NOI, VIET NAM (8 August 2014) – The Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) needs to ensure that economic corridors yield benefits in terms of trade, investment, and jobs, participants at the 6th GMS Economic Corridors Forum (ECF) heard today.
