GMS in the News

Better Roads Give New Life to Southern Cambodia

Heng Pich Chhay used to deliver fertilizer along a bumpy, muddy road in Kampot province to rice farms in his area. Today, he can reach every corner of Cambodia on the much-improved national road network. And his company has become one of the country’s biggest fertilizer distributors. Photo: ADB/Pring Samrang.

Better Roads Give New Life to Southern Cambodia

In Cambodia's Kampot province, local businesses thrive with the development of the Greater Mekong Subregion's Southern Coastal Corridor.

The project will improve cross-border connectivity in the Greater Mekong Subregion. This will help create jobs and raise incomes for local residents. Photo: ADB.

ADB to Support Cross-Border Economic Activities Between Viet Nam and Guangxi, PRC with $450 Million Loan

MANILA, PHILIPPINES (8 December 2016) – The Asian Development Bank has approved a $450 million investment program to promote cross-border economic activities between Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of the People’s Republic of China and northern Viet Nam. The program will focus on developing the North-South Economic Corridor under the Greater Mekong Subregion Cooperation Program.

A new system to be introduced by the Customs Department with ADB support will simplify and expedite the release of imported and exported goods. Bo Aung Kyaw Port is an important entry point for goods into the Yangon area. Photo: ADB.

Myanmar Customs to Develop New Scheme For Faster Import, Export of Goods

YANGON, MYANMAR (27 July 2015)  – The Asian Development Bank is supporting the Myanmar Customs Department in developing its Authorized Economic Operators scheme, a new system that will simplify and expedite the release of imported and exported goods.

The GMS ministers called for a Transport and Trade Facilitation Action Program to enhance the cross-border flow of goods and people, and for a coordinated approach to developing urban areas throughout the region. A vendor selling different products in a market in Thailand. Photo: ADB.

Ministers Endorse Plans to Develop New Special Economic Zones in Mekong

KUNMING, PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA (11 June 2015) – Government ministers and senior officials attending the Greater Mekong Subregion Seventh Economic Corridors Forum today agreed on measures to promote the development of economic corridors, facilitate cross-border transport and trade, and enhance cooperation and private sector participation.

GMS Economic Corridors Forum Looks to Enhance Cross-Border Trade

KUNMING, PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA (10 June 2015) – Ministers and senior officials from the six Greater Mekong Subregion countries and the Vice-President of the Asian Development Bank will convene tomorrow at the 7th GMS Economic Corridors Forum to discuss how to further develop economic corridors, facilitate cross-border transport and trade, and enhance cooperation and private sector participation – including the development of Special Economic Zones.
