ADB Supports Energy Investment Planning in Southeast Asia
The Asian Development Bank has approved technical assistance for energy projects in Southeast Asia, including the Greater Mekong Subregion Cross-Border Power Trade and Distribution Project.
The Asian Development Bank has approved technical assistance for energy projects in Southeast Asia, including the Greater Mekong Subregion Cross-Border Power Trade and Distribution Project.
ADB's financing will support B.Grimm Power’s implementation of the ASEAN Distributed Power Project, which will expand renewable and distributed power generation into new markets in Southeast Asia. Five countries in the Greater Mekong Subregion—Cambodia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Myanmar, Thailand, and Viet Nam—are members of ASEAN. Photo: ADB.
BANGKOK, THAILAND (23 February 2018) — The Asian Development Bank signed a loan equivalent of up to $235 million with B.Grimm Power Public Company Limited, one of the largest power producers in Thailand, to develop and enhance renewable energy capacity in member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.
HONG KONG, CHINA (2 February 2018) — The Asian Development Bank today signed a $100 million loan facility agreement with China Everbright International Limited to help a series of municipal waste-to-energy plants in primary and secondary cities in the Mekong Delta.
Mekong governments need to create an enabling environment for public-private partnerships in infrastructure. Here are 4 ways to get the job done.
The Greater Mekong Subregion has significant potential to develop renewal energy, but it also faces major challenges.
PHNOM PENH, CAMBODIA (27 June 2017) — The Asian Development Bank is supporting Electricite Du Cambodge in setting up a national solar park program to exploit Cambodia’s abundant solar resources through a transaction advisory agreement.
SINGAPORE (25 April 2017) — The Asian Development Bank has backed Singapore’s Sunseap Group’s project to build Cambodia’s first large-scale solar power project under a long-term agreement with Electricité Du Cambodge.
New transmission lines bring cheaper electricity from the Viet Nam border to Phnom Penh, Cambodia's capital.
Though a hydropower project relocated villagers, it also brought electricity, roads, and schools to a remote valley.
MANILA, PHILIPPINES (9 July 2010) - The Asian Development Bank will invest $15 million to support clean energy projects in the Greater Mekong Subregion and South Asia through the Mekong Brahmaputra Clean Development Fund.