GMS Contents

ADB will support the development and operation of solar photovoltaic systems located on the rooftops of commercial and industrial businesses across Viet Nam. Photo courtesy of GreenYellow.

ADB, GreenYellow Sign Deal for Commercial and Industrial Rooftop Solar in Viet Nam

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and GreenYellow Smart Solutions Vietnam Co., Ltd. (GreenYellow), have signed a loan agreement of up to $13.8 million for rooftop photovoltaic (PV) solar systems to help increase the supply of clean and affordable energy for commercial and industrial consumers in Viet Nam. 

29th Meeting of the GMS Regional Power Trade Coordination Committee (RPTCC-29)

The Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) countries convened the 29th (the final) Meeting of the GMS Regional Power Trade Coordination Committee (RPTCC-29) in a hybrid format (with inperson in Siem Reap, Cambodia and via web-based conferencing) on 5-6 July 2022. RPTCC-29 was a landmark meeting signaling the evolution of RPTCC into the GMS Energy Transition Taskforce (ETTF).