GMS Contents

The ASEAN universal verification mechanism will use digital technology and ensure data privacy protection and security. Photo credit: Asian Development Bank.

ASEAN to Develop One System for Verifying Vaccinated Travelers

Health ministers of Southeast Asia have agreed to work toward mutual recognition of COVID-19 vaccination certificates to facilitate travel across the region as countries reopen their borders. This will involve putting in place an ASEAN universal verification mechanism that uses digital technology while ensuring data privacy protection and security.

Regional Meeting: One Health in the Greater Mekong Subregion: Where are we now and where next?

The Asian Development Bank and the Nossal Institute for Global Health hosted a virtual meeting titled, “One Health in the Greater Mekong Subregion: Where are we now and where next?” on 3 June 2021 to share lessons learned in the use of multisectoral One Health approaches and priority actions identified under the TA 9571-REG:  Strengthening Regional Health Cooperation in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS)

Developing economies in Southeast Asia can benefit from action in key policy areas: investment in green infrastructure, digiital transformation, big data , and  revenue mobilization through tax reform

Green Investments, Revenue Mobilization, Big Data Key to Southeast Asia’s COVID-19 Economic Recovery

Southeast Asian countries can benefit from investments in green infrastructure, digital transformation, big data, and revenue mobilization through tax reform as the region recovers from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, said Asian Development Bank (ADB) President Masatsugu Asakawa at the second Southeast Asia Development Symposium.
