Viet Nam: Status and Potential for the Development of Biofuels and Rural Renewable Energy
This study aims to provide a preliminary assessment of the long-term commercial viability of a biofuel program in Viet Nam.
This study aims to provide a preliminary assessment of the long-term commercial viability of a biofuel program in Viet Nam.
This study is one of the first steps to improve understanding of the impacts of biofuel development on agriculture and economy, with specific focus on the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS).
This is the summary of discussions at the 7th Meeting of the Planning Working Group (PWG-7), 8th Meeting of the Focal Group (FG-8), and 8th Meeting of the Regional Power Trade Coordination Committee (RPTCC-8) in Luang Prabang, Lao People's Democratic Republic on 25 to 27 November 2009.
This road map for expanded cooperation in the energy sector in the Greater Mekong Subregion takes into account GMS Strategic Framework 2002-2012 and the need for improved energy security, better utilization of energy resources, and mutually beneficial energy trade, to meet national and regional energy needs in a sustainable manner.
Developing the energy sector will help realize an integrated and prosperous Mekong subregion.
The SEF-3 meeting was held primarily to jumpstart the implementation of the GMS Road Map for Expanded Energy Cooperation, which was endorsed at the 15th GMS Ministerial Meeting held in Thailand in June 2009.
The Special SEF meeting was held to refine and finalize the GMS Road Map for Expanded Energy Cooperation, for endorsing it to the 15th GMS Ministerial Meeting to be held in Thailand in June 2009. Formulated in line with the recommendations of the recently completed GMS Energy Strategy Study, the Road Map was earlier presented at the SEF meeting in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam and at the GMS Senior Officials' Meeting (SOM) in Bangkok, Thailand, both held in November 2008. These meetings agreed to further review and hold internal consultations on the Road Map.