53rd GMS Tourism Working Group Meeting (TWG-53)

The 53rd GMS Tourism Working Group Meeting (TWG-53) was held on 23 April 2024 in Lijiang, People’s Republic of China (PRC). It was hosted by Bureau of International Exchanges and Cooperation of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of PRC, Yunnan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, the People's Government of Lijiang City, and Mekong Tourism Coordinating Office (MTCO), and co-organized by Lijiang Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism, and Network of International Culturalink Entities. It was attended by senior and mid-level officials representing the National Tourism Organizations (NTOs) of the six Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) countries (Cambodia, PRC, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand-online, and Viet Nam), MTCO, Asian Development Bank (ADB), development partners and organizations including the ASEAN China Centre and ASEAN Japan Centre.


The TWG-53 meeting shared updates on MTCO activities, GMS country reports, reports of PRC, Thailand, and Lao PDR for the Mekong Tourism Forum (MTF) 2024, TWG-54 and TWG-55 and MTF 2025, updates on ADB’s GMS Tourism Assistance Program,  and presentations by  the ASEAN- China Centre and ASEAN-Japan Centre


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Last Updated:   Friday, 20 September 2024